Friday 29 June 2018

We aim, we shoot, we miss, we learn

I stand on the plateau looking down on all below me. Involved in the life time and the most divine. It’s all good. I eat words like food. And you. You are something else, we become as we grow, because you are in my life. And that can only be right.

In a world of infinities we are rendered meaningful by similarities which are themselves fabrications, because we see similarities in the infinite. These “links”, these similarities are fabrications. We are as multiplicipal as beings, but we sense. Water may fall, heads may roll, but we perceive, links, continuation, we feel ourselves in a world of infinite possibility. A similarity human. Private and known to one, but shared by everyone. We live our private lives making sense of it where we can. In the infinite we render meaning by simplification. Conscious animals. “ In a World of chaos where do we find truth”?
Rising, I get to my feet
Unconscious, spontaneous, animal

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