Friday 19 October 2018

The Physical Dream…….17/10/18

The imagination has meaning because it refers to the physical. The physical takes on a symbolic meaning, coloured by our feeling or desire at the point. The physical dream is real. Interpretation a symbolic shaping of desire. We create because we are creative. The physical mental connection is constructed. It is constructed because we create physical representations of the mental. This is because it is necessary for us to survive, part of human nature. As we create tools we create the man as a functioning tool of innovation, functioning in society. Man is necessary because he has a role. How will he cope in a world of new technology, where the traditional roles of tools are changing? We need a new creation of man in which the tool is no longer connected to the physical, in a sense we know of now, but which is inwardly aware. But how will this be without reference to the external? We are still tied to the physical. Limiting yet liberating. We create a function for ourselves…… Conveyed a thing. Of things, known to things.

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