Thursday 12 July 2018


Whenever we have a problem we try to resolve it. My Art explores Schizophrenia and an attempt to understand it, and attempt to solve the problems it poses. Faces Seen in a Clozapine Dream: The Good, The Bad and The Schizophrenic. This is human because everyone is a little schizophrenic. It is a spectrum disorder. In my attempt to understand it and other people has been the focus of my work. And expressing this has been the result. I don’t want to talk too much about the negative aspects of being Schizophrenic, I want to explore myself and other people, spotting similarities and connecting. The work is an attempt to connect. It is an expression. Expressing is something we do every day, every minute, and is central to what it means to be human. It is the link between the internal world and the external world. It makes us happy; it makes us sad and everything in between. Without expressing, we would not be meaningful to someone (one’s self, or others). It is central to Being. Being is huge. In many respects. I am a Being. You are a Being. We are Being. I try to convey my Being in my Art. And I find this cathartic as well as hugely satisfying. In my explorations the Being I am has grown and my understanding of Being has grown also. I have learned how to be me. What I want to know, the direction in which I am going and what I do not want to know. To understand what is important to me, what is not, and how to use this pragmatically. Being me is not easy, but as the old adage goes “Anything worthwhile never comes easy”. I am worthwhile. The challenges I face make me me and more me. Being grows….
So the explorations I experience build, mold, create Art. Which I convey to you. I invite you to become more of a being through knowing Being in my work.  In being interconnected with other Beings. I express my Being for your assimilation, so you too can Be. I invite you to explore what is important to you, to know my work and to understand or simply feel through which you will know something real to you. To react. At the point of reaction in which you exist I want to bring forward your Being. What is Being in this sense? Being in this sense is a multitude of things. Some of which conscious, some of which unconscious. Some of which understandable, some of which need a little more work. But one would hope, always with a sense of who-you-are-ness. We go forward knowing ourselves and through interacting with the things around us, we gain an understanding of ourselves. And what more unique, what more inspiring than Art? A direct line to someone else’s who-you-are-ness. Thus I hope to grow. To add relevance to my life and through that engage with the world of Others more completely and to add to the understanding of the world around me and to add to my understanding of myself through this process.
I put forward my Art. I birth it into existence. We share. We know, yet we are ignorant to so much. To know oneself is the only truth.  To which we bring meaning in the action of Being. Be with Me….Continue, be inspired, and never, ever, give up. I leave you with a heightened sense of Being

Me and you on a street. I cross the road to speak to you. You recognize me but do not know who I am. I say hello and you reply. I never knew you in this sense before. Yet I know you now. I forget so much but I remember the time we spent as children and how you used to make me laugh. I am a different person now and the experiences I have had have shaped me. I am different, but the same as you. I grew in a particular direction and became me just like your experiences have shaped you. I want to reject knowing the inner you and concentrate on my own self now. Maybe knowing you will become more relevant to me one day and we will pick up from where we left off. I gave you life, you acknowledged it  with a smile, went on your way with a happy sentiment in your heart. That was your experience. That is what you grew into. That is You.

When I crossed the road I had an aim in mind. To say hello. But that thought changed from an inclination into a full on experience. The road became a vehicle to which I attached meaning, and through that meaning the world made sense. The road now poses a different significance to which you will attach your own central belief. Experience of this sort becomes the farther down the road we go. We choose the road, and we choose where to cross. Put some flowers on the road, why not?
I must return to my studies…..i leave you with an added sense of direction.
Please enjoy my work ;) x

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